A Look Back at the First Semester Back Fully In-Person


Erich Packer, Staff Writer

Halfway through March 2020, most schools across America were shut down due to COVID-19 and switched to a remote way of learning. Everyone went to school at home, using their computers. In 2021, WTHS along with many other schools started going back in-person on a hybrid system. But for the 2021-2022 school year, the district announced we were going back fully in-person. After one semester, let’s look back on how that transition has went.

Firstly, the transition immediately made learning a lot easier. Learning online was very difficult and many students struggled during it. It was very hard to find motivation to get work done, to study and to get good grades. But when we came back in person, it seemed as if the teachers were very prepared for the transition and making learning easier again. Resource rooms opened again and it was very easy to be able to talk to your teacher compared to when we were online. Having tests being closed note again meant it was easier to find motivation to study and fully learn the material.

Also, coming back inside the building meant that it was a lot easier to make friends and socialize again. During online school, it was impossible to talk to your friends in the hallway, or meet new friends in your classes. But the transition back in-person has brought that aspect back to school. Personally, it has made a huge difference being back in school socially. Last year, I made barely any friends during the school year and it was difficult to only be able know people through a screen. But, now we are back in-person, I have made at least one or two friends in each of my classes.

COVID protocols in school seemed to have held up strongly during the first semester. The school was able to set up everything in a way that made the building feel safe. Many issues tended to be mainly by students choice, an example being not wearing masks properly. But overall, there were not many cases spreading around the school throughout the first semester.

One big change from online to in-person learning specific to our school was the change back to an 8 period day. When we were online 4/5 of the days we only had 4 classes to attend. This made for a less stressful workload each day. When we came back in-person, we had to quickly adjust back to the 8 period day. This meant shorter class-time and more homework. This transition did take a little bit of getting used to, but it was fine after a little bit of time.

Overall, it seemed as if most students were happy with the change back to in-person school. But on the contrary, some kids were less happy with it. Some kids found it very stressful to be back in school and around people again. Also, with the switch back to an 8 period day, there became more homework given and made school more stressful in general. Also, it meant that kids had to get up early in the morning again and make the commute to school.

The transition back in person seemed to have worked out well, everyone in the end adjusted to it and it seems like most of the students and teachers are happy with the change back to normality.