A Model Under a Microscope
December 12, 2022
The phrase “picture-perfect” has become synonymous with just “presentable” in an age of social media and thousands of unwanted watchful critics. Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok and Twitter can easily make you famous, but it is often not up to the celebrity.
Her modeling career began with acting. She got into a major international competition called IMTA in Los Angeles, where she initially signed for modeling, but is now shooting for world-renowned magazines and photographers. Her rise to stardom began in theater at home, and on the stage of Warren Township High School a star was born. This is Asha Amore.
Asha always wanted to model. Anybody who knew her understood her love for fashion and gracefulness. She walked and talked like a model, and was known for her confidence. “She was born for the spotlight,” said drama club director Karen Pionke at Asha’s middle school. “Potential to be a star was infused in her since birth.” Asha balanced theater and honors-level academics all throughout her school career, consistently landing leads in productions while also acing tests. It was easy to tell that she was a natural, good at acting and improvising, singing and dancing. However, what did she truly want to do? Although acting was a great outlet for Asha and way to make friends and be involved, it wasn’t the path she wanted to take professionally. “I always wanted to model but I never imagined I would be here,” said Asha. Modeling is an incredibly competitive career that requires a lot of self-confidence, and sometimes feels pretty stifling as a beginner.
Most people start out with community competitions or local shoots but Asha’s first real experience modeling was for IMTA in Los Angeles, a major international competition. IMTA stands for International Modeling and Talent Association. IMTA is a professional organization of modeling and talent training centers from around the world, who meet bi-annually for talent and modeling conventions. Their purpose is to find and scout out talent, especially in search for the upcoming stars. At IMTA, Asha was signed for modeling and walked her first runway for Aaron Potts’ Wind Beneath the Water debut collection in winter of 2020. Since then, Asha has been focusing on school, but continues to book shoots when she has free time. Her old shoots are continually being posted and shared. Her most recent publication was in MOEVIR Paris magazine.
When asked about her support system, Asha confirmed that her family was incredibly supportive of her journey, “My parents and family have always supported me in everything that I choose to do.” Dr. Brown, Asha’s father and an administrator at Warren Township High School, undoubtedly had a huge influence on Asha and her brothers. Khalil, her younger brother, is making his way through high school and following his sister’s footsteps into fashion, and Asha’s mom has been her biggest fan since day one. Lulu, one of Asha’s friends, admires her endlessly: “We would do photoshoots all the time when we were younger to post on Instagram. Seeing how far she’s come has been insanely cool.”
Although Asha has experienced some amazing moments and taken some incredible opportunities, she doesn’t feel like she’s made it quite yet.
“I don’t think I’ve made it yet, but that depends on my own personal definition of success. I knew this was meant for me when I was first published in Vogue Italia shortly after I started modeling.” Her publication in Vogue Italia was titled “Asha”, and is the project Asha is most proud of. It focuses on the imperfections and flaws that make the body human.
“It makes a statement about body hair being normal on women. It’s a huge ‘F —’ to beauty standards.” All of Asha’s shoots have important messages behind them, including themes of American hypocrisy and the unfairness of various standards. Asha explains how the hardest part of modeling are the expectations and how the industry often makes rules that everyone is expected to follow.