In light of recent events, you might find yourself wallowing in a hole of your own thoughts, Googling things like, “What the heck is an oligarchy?”, Or maybe even indulging in more nail biting than usual. This response is completely valid in weird times like these. It feels as though everyday you open your phone to history actively happening around you, and you have no control over it.
It’s difficult never knowing what comes next; wondering how different your life will be in ten years, wondering if you’ll be the same person in a week. Although rapid change isn’t in our hands, one thing is, our ability to remain calm and react appropriately to these situations. Now I’m certainly not saying don’t do anything or even remain silent in what you believe in. Rather; keep moving forward, and don’t ever allow yourself to (or those you hold close) regress. Move forward with love and empathy and remember we’ve been through times like these again and again. The only difference is now instead of reading about in a book, it’s actively happening around you. Just remember, there will always be good if you yourself act kind.
With love,
Silvano Sotelo