Blue Devils Find Their Diamond In The Rough In Loss To Mundelein

Jr. Jeremy Walton plays Baseball, Basketball, and Football for the Blue Devils.
February 24, 2021
In a game that was full of ugly for Coach Jasnoch’s Blue Devils, it seems like he found his tough, hard nosed player. That player last night was Jeremy Walton.
When Walton checked into the game, he was given the tall task of guarding Mustang 6’9 center and Southern Illinois commit Scottie Ebube. In most of Mundelein’s games this season, there hasn’t been a single team that had someone to match the physicality of Ebube.
Last night, despite the size disadvantage, Walton went toe-to-toe matching the physicality of the most physical big men this area has seen since Nathan Boothe graduated from Warren in 2012. During the second quarter, Walton didn’t give up on a loose ball, he dove on the floor to challenge Ebube eventually leading to a jump ball. “It wasn’t all that hard to the match the physicality,” said Walton. “I knew that I had to play even harder than the opponent and get the job done.”
It was not a surprise to many that know Walton that he was able to match the physicality of Ebube.
Jeremy Walton is a three sport varsity athlete (Baseball, Basketball, Football), and works harder than anybody on and off the court or field. Warren head football coach Bryan McNulty had high praise for Walton last night on twitter. “Jeremy is an outstanding 3-sport athlete. Never misses a lift.”
Warren Coach Jon Jasnoch had high praise for his junior forward’s play last night. “He played tough and physical and rebounded everything.” Jasnoch also notes that Walton’s hard work in practice has led him to what we saw last night. “Jeremy has done in practice exactly what you saw him do tonight.”
Being a three-sport athlete is an ever taller task than guarding a Southern Illinois commit. Walton has worked hard the past three school years finding the perfect balance between being a student and being an athlete. Walton does a good job at doing well at both. “I’m just a very good listener in the classroom, I take good notes, and study a little every night so I don’t have to do a big review.” Walton has turned into the poster child of what three-sport athletes should be like both in the classroom and on the court or field.
There are many people who aren’t big fans of the idea of three-sport athletes. Many want student-athletes to focus on just one or two sports. “People tell me all the time not to play three sports because I could get injured,” Walton has tuned all of those people out and continues to make strides in all three of his sports.
The support from close family members like parents are tremendous help to three-sport athletes like Jeremy Walton. He gives credit to his parents for sticking with him through this entire journey. “The support of my parents has been huge and time consuming for them and it really has helped to keep me motivated while playing all three sports.”
Walton ended with a tip for those who are aspiring to be a successful three-sport athlete like him. “Nothing is impossible if you get good grades and are just mentally tough.”