Career Expo Recap

May 1, 2023
On Friday, April 14 a Career Expo was held in the O’Plaine gym during periods 3-7. Over 100 industry professionals came to share information about career opportunities, summer jobs, and internships. From the College of Lake County’s dual credit courses to Northwestern Medicine’s internship program, this year’s Career Expo had a great variety of options to encourage students to begin their search for a career. Though the event was only half a period, it was a wonderful experience for Warren students to start considering their futures.
This summer, the College of Lake County has many summer classes available for students grades 9-12. One of which are their career exploration classes, which depending on what class is selected, offers nursing labs, laser labs, culinary kitchens, and automotive labs. Information for discovery classes can be accessed here: As well, CLC has dual credit courses for highschoolers interested in gaining credit towards college. Information for dual credit classes can be viewed here:
Later this year, Northwestern Medicine is offering a discovery program available to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors interested in pursuing medicine. The program takes place during the school year and helps prepare students for medical-related professions. Northwestern Medicine will begin accepting applications in August of this year. Further information regarding the program can be accessed here: