As many seniors worry over applications, letters of recommendation, homework, tests, and much more, nothing would comfort them more than a relaxing trip back home before they eventually head off to their next stage in life. For Jackson and “Afternoon Clutter,” the natural state of his home inspired him to take the picture. While he was adjusting the exposure of the photo with his Canon EOS Digital Rebel camera, he accidentally snapped a photo of his kitchen. Because there wasn’t a change of scene beforehand, Jackson states it “makes perfect sense for the picture because of the natural, comfy feel it has.” By framing, or using the background as the subject of the photo, it makes the dishes appear as a focal point, according to Jackson. What might look like an accident in the moment can lead to a fond memory in the future where life carries you through the unexpected.
Corey Jackson – “Afternoon Clutter”
October 23, 2023
Afternoon Clutter