Glennon-Aid or Downgrade?

March 20, 2017
On March 10 the everlasting Jay Cutler Era expired in accordance with the Mike Glennon Era’s commencement. Once he touch downed in Chicago, the 2013 third rounder Glennon gleamed of optimism due to his 18.5 million dollar guaranteed contract. Amounting to a total of three years for 45 million dollars, the longtime Tampa Bay Buccaneer reserve leapfrogged from a modest rookie contract to the Bears’ most notable off-season acquisition. Commentators alongside fans debate the future success of the North Carolina State product as a member of the Monsters of the Midway.
Here are five points as to why Bears fans ought to be confident.
- At over 6’7″ tall, Glennon is one of the tallest quarterbacks in NFL history (tallest being Dan McGwire and Brock Osweiler at 6’8″), which enables him to peer across the field and over the defense.
- His total touchdown to interception ratio at N.C State was 2:1 and this is identical to his pro ratio with thirty touchdowns to fifteen picks. That’s impressive! For comparison, Jay Cutler’s college ratio was a passable 1.6:1 although this tumbled in the pros as he now holds a 1.4:1 ratio. At the very least, compared to Cutler, Glennon takes better care of the pigskin.
- and CBS Sports ranked Mike Glennon near the top of their lists of best NFL backup quarterbacks with rankings two and three, respectively.
- USA Today argued that Mike Glennon enjoyed a better rookie season than Philadelphia Eagles star Carson Wentz. They’re correct considering Glennon had more touchdowns, fewer interceptions, a higher QBR and passer rating, and more yards per attempt than Wentz.
- Along with his towering stature, General Manager Ryan Pace lauded Glennon’s “arm strength, accuracy, and intelligence” per the Chicago Tribune.
Not only is Glennon a bargain compared to Cutler, but he is also an upgrade. Get ready for a pleasant surprise.