Grades vs. Happiness

Priyal Patel, Staff Writer

As the new semester rolls in, so begins the pressure we have built on putting grades above anything else. We focus on pushing ourselves to receive good grades, but it also causes a fight between whether we should be prioritizing our grades or our well being, from both a physical and mental standpoint. According to a survey done by the American Psychcology Association (APA), 45% of teenagers said they were stressed because of school-related pressures. Emotional pressures can cause chronic stress if a person is to endure such pressures for a prolonged amount of time. Chronic stress can lead to various mental health issues and personality disorders. As high schoolers, we are constantly thinking of our futures. Just thinking about what colleges we want to apply to that will help us get the job we want can be stressful. 69% of teens that were surveyed by the APA reported that they were stressed about their futures after high school.  

The first step you can take in the right direction is lowering your goals for the future. Now, this does not mean you have to completely disregard every goal you have made for yourself over the years. Instead of making your goal getting a high grade in a class, set a goal to become more satisfied with what you try to do in the class. Try to balance out your goals by creating smaller ones that can be easier to achieve. Another step is to take time for yourself. It is important to take a breather when cramming things you need to study into your mind. Instead, take your assignments one step at a time. Small baby steps allow us to create smaller tasks that are less stressful and easier to accomplish. Get up and grab a snack or walk around for a bit before continuing to study. Most importantly, get as much sleep as you possibly can, even if it means sacrificing some time to swipe through your phone. Lastly, do not forget to treat yourself when your hard work pays off. Congratulating yourself will make you strive to continue to do more things knowing the outcome is a feeling of satisfaction with what you did. 

If you are still doubtful, talking to someone about how you are doing will help you cope and understand how to make your situation better. Whether that be sitting down with your parent or a school counselor and allowing yourself to open up. It is also helpful to get another person’s view from your own fixed look at certain things. Letting a family member or a counselor know how you feel will make sure that they know how to support you. They can help you sort out different options to help guide you to create a better future for yourself. 

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