Has the “Devious Lick” trend gone too far?
A sign posted on the restroom door at Lawrence High School in Lawernce, Kansas states that the restroom is closed due to “Vandalism”
October 18, 2021
As we all know, many kids and young adults are always on TikTok. But it is their actions for views and fame with certain trends that are getting out of hand.
One trend that has gained popularity is the”Devious Lick” trend where teens remove various items from buildings such as Schools, Offices, and other buildings in order to gain views.
They post their “Devious Lick” on the social media app “TikTok” Students have managed to bring home.
Microscopes, Fire Alarms, Urinals, and, a Clock as well as many other items that pertained to those schools.
One school administrator took the bathroom doors off of the hinges and, another administrator only used one bathroom for the entire school.
Some kids may say that it’s “fun” but many adults and school faculty dislike the trend.
A principal at a school in Oregon had said that the students will get fined or even jail time for vandalism.
I had the opportunity to interview a WTHS staff member about the trend.
And, this is what she had told me.
Mrs. Bear: “I think… it’s stupid for a lack of better words. What are they achieving by destroying the school?”
“You wouldn’t go to your friend’s house and destroy their room”
Many parents have received emails about the so-called “Trend”.
WTHS and many other schools in Illinois have been made aware of this trend and have sent emails to parents.
O’Plaine Principal Mrs. Bertola like many other administrators made an announcement about the trend adding that We should all as students follow the “Warren Way” even when using someone else’s property.
What do you think of this trend?