How to be Successful During Remote Learning

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December 9, 2020
As an unfortunate consequence of the novel coronavirus, Warren Township High School students have been confined to their homes for the first three months of the 2020-2021 school year. Perhaps even worse is the effect that a lack of in-person teaching is having on the student body. I have personally witnessed remote learning drain the motivation from even the most dedicated pupils, which is why I would like to propose five actions that the average student could take (depending on their circumstances) to find success during these trying times.
Attend school.
As blatant as it sounds, I think that it is important to remind students that school is still in session. Time and time again I have witnessed my teachers call on black screens, only to be greeted with silence. I have heard the horror stories of students who did not participate in class yet remain in its Google meet 30 minutes after their period ended. I have even been told by classmates that they have woken up in the morning, logged into their first class, and returned to their slumber minutes later. Anecdotes aside, it is crucial that we attend our daily classes, for I can assure you that it is very difficult to do well when you don’t. If waking up on time is an issue, set an alarm morning routine that is easy to follow. Going to bed early may also relieve morning time sleepiness. When motivation is hard to come by, remind yourself that there are things to look forward to. Take note of when the day is halfway finished or when the week is near closure. In the presence of upcoming holidays, formulate fun ideas as to what you will do by yourself or with family members while away from school.
Ask for help.
Is this easier said than done? Certainly, especially for those who are shy, discouraged, or simply afraid of appearing unintelligent in the eyes of others. We must, however, disregard the fear of speaking up because, at the end of the day, this is your education. There is no dispute as to whether online learning is strenuous, which is why teachers, counselors, and advisors are doing their best to reach out to students and aid them in any way possible. If you have a question about the lecture that your teacher is presenting, ask them. Inquiries can be resolved within SEL breakrooms from 2:45-3:15 pm at O’Plaine or 1:45-2:15 pm at Almond. For concerns developed outside of school hours, emailing advisors will allow them to respond as soon as possible. You may be surprised to see how asking questions can improve several unnecessarily stressful school situations.
Complete your work.
In spite of what some students may believe, this year is real. Our classes are real, our grades are real, and yes, failing several courses will still ruin one’s GPA. The amount of missing work that has been accumulated so far throughout this school year is unprecedented, much to the dismay of teachers and pupils alike. Even those of us who needn’t be concerned with absent assignments are still affected by them, with many teachers being forced to continuously use class time to address the issue. If you have missing work, take advantage of whatever free time you have in order to complete it. Teachers are being especially lenient in regards to turning in assignments late, which may in itself be contributing to the situation. Regardless, the optimal time to finish said work is now while students are being offered weeks free of grade reductions. If the missing work has stemmed beyond a few papers or is the result of a deeper problem, I suggest that you schedule a meeting with your teacher or counselor as soon as possible.
Join a sport or club.
Amidst the current pandemic, it is more important than ever to find to socialize with others and engage in our interests. Joining a club and/or an athletic activity provides an escape from the monotony of school days and can even aid in the process of developing friendships. Even if you fail to find an activity that meets your preferences or do not enjoy sports, I would still recommend that you attend at least one club meeting in the hopes of learning something new. If you have not already, make it a habit to check the daily student announcements on the District 121 homepage. There you can find information about upcoming activity tryouts/meetings and plan your day accordingly.
Find time to treat yourself.
The final tip I have concerning doing well during online schooling revolves around taking care of yourself. It is ever the more necessary to preserve our mental health, hence why I encourage us all to find time during the day to tend to ourselves. Did you pass a science test today? Congratulate yourself and do something that makes you happy. Were you able to make it past another stressful week of school? Remind yourself of how proud you are of your efforts. Not only do personal support and positive affirmations aid in productivity, but they also boost morale and fuel us with motivation. Ignorance of stress accumulation and one’s own needs will eventually result in burnout, which is why self-care is perhaps the most influential action that can be taken in order to improve our remote learning experience.