Maine South Cheating Scandal


Harrison Levy, Scratch Paper - Staff Member

Anyone who is a high school football fan has probably heard or seen about one of Illinois’s elite high sc

hool football programs. The Maine South Football team has been under fire within the last couple weeks of a self reported violation to the IHSA board. The IHSA was keeping a close eye on Maine South at the end of their 2022-2023 football season. Their self-proclaimed report revealed that multiple players “violated the IHSA’s residency bylaws”. Due to Maine South’s violation of the IHSA rules, they have been forced to forfeit all 9 wins they got last season including New Trier, Barrington and Stevenson to name a few. Along wit

h the forfeited wins, Maine Sout

h will also be on probation until the end of 2023-2024 school year.


If any further violations occur from now until the end of the season, they will be removed from the IHSA playoffs. Even though Maine South was cheating, we still spanked them 19-17 with Jaden Turner having his game of the year.