Mayor of Gurnee: What Will She Do about ETO?

Cluster Of Cancer Risk Caused By 2 Lake County Sites
February 3, 2020
Ethylene Oxide levels are currently being tested in the Gurnee and Waukegan Area. Ethylene Oxide (EtO) is a carcinogen that causes cancer if exposed to at high rates. Two places within the Lake County area have been found to be releasing ETO. At Medline, ethylene oxide is used to sterilize equipment, and Vantage uses EtO to produce household and industrial products.

The concentration of ETO and risks of in Lake County are vert high.
As studies are beginning to be released about EtO levels in the Lake County area, many are beginning to question: why has there not been any action taken in the town hall?
After MECS reached out to her, the Mayor of Gurnee, Kristina Kovarik, agreed to speak at the O’Plaine Lecture Hall at 3:20pm-4pm on February 12th, 2019. She will be speaking out from her point of view, and people may ask any lingering questions on EtO in the Lake County. The meeting is open to Warren students and staff.