The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School

Scratch Paper

The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School

Scratch Paper

The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School

Scratch Paper

Running with Kate Mondejar

Running with Kate Mondejar:

As people age in their lives, more responsibilities start to weigh on them as they mature. One day you can be working on school work, then the next second sports come up, drawing is put on your schedule, the feeling of decorating your room spreads across your mind, then you remember you have to cook food at home, work out, clean up the house, and possibly a lot more without even knowing it. Sometimes it’s never clear when it’s time to slow down to breathe instead of moving from task to task. How would this weight affect someone if they are carrying that much? The answer is found through the life of Kate Mondejar. Kate is a sophomore in high school who has gone through the hardship of balancing Cross Country and soccer her two primary sports, not to mention she will participate on the JV girls basketball team this winter.  She treats these sports as a way to cool her stress and utilize her time making friends or strengthening her bonds with the friends she already has.

The first sport that Kate actively participates in is soccer. Since third grade, Kate has been playing soccer and continues to get better at it every year. Her position is a center forward and plays it well according to her team. She practices 3 times a week to enhance her skills. Everything from dribbling the ball, to scoring, to stamina, and to a bunch more. This is mainly at home, at actual practice she tries her best to be well coordinated with her team as well as how she can assist along with them.  All of this effectively hones her skills as a soccer player and results in a skilled player. Kate is excellent at providing assists and as well as tough defense against the opposing team. Kate would love to keep playing this sport in college in the future. She currently plays for the school team and the club 1974 as her travel team.  She treats soccer as a way to cool her stress and utilize her time making friends or strengthening her bonds with the friends she already has.

Cross Country is also another sport she participates in and has placed second place in her school. In Cross Country, she claims that in her mind, “everyone is going through the same thing as me and it’s perfectly okay for whatever I’m feeling in my mind”. Her training routine is similar in ways to the way she trains for soccer: she runs long distances to enhance her skill as a runner. There is so much to carry on top of what she does athletically especially the academic workload she has at school and to balance being a three sport athlete. This is the most exhausting part of her time. Imagine you went through a day of practicing in Cross Country, then had to drive into a far place just to play a soccer game, and finally go back home to finish some homework. A day like this can drain Kate and will sometimes leave her unmotivated in her school work. Although planning ahead of time can mostly get rid of this flaw. Kate is always on the move and goes from one task to another.

Whether it’s from Cross Country or Soccer It’s clear that Kate has a passion for what she does.