Senior Reflection- Jaden Cohn


Jaden Cohn, Staff Writer

Well I guess this is it. The expression “all good things come to an end”, is very real at this moment. It’s so crazy to think that those 4 years (although they felt like 2.5) really flew by. In the book of life, the chapter of “highschool” has come to a close which allows me to start a new chapter called “college”. 

I really have enjoyed my time here at Warren, and feel that it has prepared me for the real world. I can remember that first assembly for my freshman year, and seeing the class of 2019 getting ready for their Senior year. The feeling of “oh graduation is so far away” when is all actuality, it’s right around the corner. 

To the class of ‘23, we did it. We really did it. Although it hasn’t been an ideal highschool experience battling through a pandemic, going home for a “2 week break”, and having about a third of high school cutaway, it was still a great experience. 

I first join Scratchpaper last year, and I won’t ever regret it. I’ve always had a passion for writing, and this club really helped me become not only better at writing, but I got to learn different aspects of journalism. I helped work on the announcements, as well as go on the field to help with interviews. One of my favorite moments in Scratchpaper was the article I wrote to cover our quarterback, Adam Behrens. This really opened a new light for me, and I really enjoyed sports writing. One thing to take away from this club was I was able to meet so many amazing people, including my best friend Daniel. I remember walking into that first meeting, sitting down, and seeing him next to me. I recently saw him the day before at the first Drama Club meeting, and didn’t think much of it. At the end of the Scratchpaper meeting, I introduced myself, and from that day forward we were the best of friends. 

Next year, I am going to be attending Illinois State University, and majoring in Journalism. I’m super excited to get more involved in their program, and see what the future holds. 


Here are some of my takeaways from high school:


  • Get involved, get involved, get involved- you don’t know how many times people will tell you to!!
  • Make a schedule- it will come in handy handling assignments, and extracurriculars you have
  • Cherish the good moments- highschool will go faster than you think
  • Have Fun!!



  • Spend your whole weekend at home- go out and go enjoy all that Warren has to offer!
  • Overthink every little assignment- it will all balance out eventually 
  • Procrastinate and fall behind in classes
  • Hangout people just to fit in- try and find people who respect you 
  • Let the Seniorits Kick In! (Even though mine did) :)