Warren offers so many different sports. From football to swimming and diving. Almost anyone can find at least one sport they’d love to be a part of. But one sport that doesn’t get a ton of recognition, and is a great sport, is golf. Golf is an amazing sport, and a way to get away from stress, get some sunshine, and have fun! Our girls golf team has a great way of demonstrating this, with their kindness, support of one another, and always having each other’s backs. Girls golf had a team of 12 this year, which is a little lower than normal, but we managed to power through, and show other schools what we were made of! Everyone worked so hard during this season, and improved a giant amount, from the start to end. One of our own senior players, Hailey Krueger, had some amazing thoughts to share on her journey through her high school years of golf.
Hailey has been playing for Warren’s golf team since she was a junior in high school. She first started getting into the sport in the summer of 2022, when a close friend of hers wanted to go golfing, for a fun outing. But instead she found herself loving the sport, and wanted to get more involved with it. She started joining her friend for days on the range, just to get a better feel of golf, and get some practice in. After multiple days of hard work at the range, Hailey finally bought herself some clubs, and joined the Warren golf team. From joining a more formal league, she learned and improved so much from the help of her peers. “Having my teammates to support me, and always having my back, when I’m not doing well or feeling great during a match, helps me the most.” Krueger said. Hailey believes her teammates help create a positive environment, and motivate her to go to golf practice even more. With the same topic of support, Hailey talks about how her family has helped her grow in golf, from a tiny caterpillar, to a gorgeous butterfly. She says “They’ve helped me so much throughout my golf game, in several different ways. Golf tends to be a harder sport to watch, because it lasts so long, and is a ton of walking, but my parents have made sure to come out to each match they’re available, and cheer me on. She also tells us how her parents have helped her with supplies and practicing outside of matches. “They’ve also bought me range balls, taken me to courses and helped me practice so much.”
Leaving high school is a crazy experience. It’s the end of a long chapter, of an even longer book. Hailey is ready to conquer challenges outside the world of Warren, and in the world of college life. She wants to major in her preferred field of study, but of course join a fun club team for golf through herself, or on the side. She still wants to have golf as a part of her life as she states, “I want to pursue golf, and keep playing, because I know I have plenty of room for improvement.” Hailey is a very motivated individual, and always is ready to learn more!
Hailey has been playing golf for a good amount of her life, and touches on how it impacted her, and changed her perception of different things. She likes how it opens up more opportunities for herself, and gets herself out there. It helps her understand how, playing a sport, can help someone in the long run, with scholarships, college application activities, and just helps herself! “Different emotions were easier to deal with, after playing golf. Golf taught me composure, staying calm when stress levels are high, and patience.” She sees herself growing in golf, and in her own life or reality. Along with golf teaching her many different things, Hailey makes sure to remind herself to have some fun, and enjoy the game. “Also knowing how to balance, having fun and staying focused.” Reality can be just like this at times, so it’s important to remember this factor, in all aspects of life.
As one of haileys teammates, she’s inspired me so much to keep going in golf. This was my first year in golf, and I originally joined, just because I wanted to do something in the fall. But after meeting Hailey, she’s taught me so much about the sport, and how it helps us all learn more about ourselves, she made me want to continue playing longer. Hailey is a wonderful golf player, and an amazing teammate to have! She’s going to conquer the world!