The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School

Scratch Paper

The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School

Scratch Paper

The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School

Scratch Paper

The History of April Fools

The History of April Fools

April Fools is a holiday celebrated annually, every April 1st.  People all around the

The tradition of April Fools goes back to the year of 1582. The holiday began when France switched from the Julian calendar to Gregorian calendar  which was a decision made by the Council of Trent. In the Julian calendar, the new year began with the spring equinox around April first. The Gregorian calendar moved new years day to January first which made people very confused and they continues to celebrate it the last week of March throughout the first day of April of April which became the jokes and hoaxes named “April Fools”. Some pranks performed on APril Fools were placing paper fish on peoples nacks and then being called  “poisson davril” This name is used to represent an easily caught fish and an extremely gullible person.

April Fools day became popular in Britain during the 18th century. Additionally, in Scotland, April Fools became a 2-day holiday in Scotland. One of the most popular pranks in Scotland was “hunting the gowk” Gowk is a bird which is a symbol for a gullible person. The second day is called Taille Day. This day involved pranks on peoples bottoms. One example of a common prank on Taille Day was placing a “kick me” sign on a persons bottom.