Young Americans For Freedom

February 12, 2019
“We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to start our own Young Americans for Freedom chapter here at Warren. What started as a small dream has now become a reality!
A few friends and I got together with the idea to create a club where conservative students have a place to gather and discuss what we are passionate about- politics. After many long hours at the drawing board and coming up with ideas about what we wanted this club to look like, we settled on Young Americans for Freedom.
YAF is a nonprofit founded in 1960 as a coalition between traditional conservatives and libertarians on American college (or high school!) campuses. YAF’s mission is founded on ensuring “increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.”
Even though this is just our first year here at Warren, we have already accomplished a ton! Our events have included getting local politicians to come and speak to students, attending the March for Life in Chicago, sending students to the Freedom conference in NC, having our biweekly meetings to discuss current issues and more.
Throughout the rest of the semester, we plan on doing a food drive for veterans, service projects, hosting more speakers, tabling, and outreach opportunities. Events such as these are fun ways young republicans can get involved with politics and the community, while learning valuable insight that will be useful for the rest of your life.
All of these events would not be possible without having a great school such as Warren. Warren has given us the wonderful opportunity to show off what makes our school great… Diversity! Although conservatism is not popular among high school students, we are a true representation that Warren is home to many groups of people who have many groups of thought.
If any of these ideas sound intriguing, it would be awesome to have you at our next meeting. Our meetings are every other late start monday in the college and career center. I would love to hear your questions or ideas about YAF and getting involved. You can email me or any of the other officers at any time!”
– Matthew Duray, Chairman of YAF at WTHS