CLC Offering Guaranteed Transfer Admission To 20+ Universities

Photograph of College of Lake County Grayslake Campus. Image taken from
October 1, 2018
With many of our seniors now applying to colleges, a common concern is the often exorbitant cost that comes with attending. One alternative may be studying at a community college for a few years before continuing undergraduate education elsewhere.
Located nearby, the College of Lake County enables students to finish their bachelor’s degree at any school they choose. However, they also provide guaranteed admission to 22 partnering colleges/universities, with that number looking to expand soon.
In addition to a tuition that is one-fourth the typical cost of a four-year state university, the Guaranteed Transfer Admission (GTA) program has the additional benefit of assuring participating students of their admittance into their selected transfer school as quickly as the end of their first semester at CLC.
Most people agree that community college is a great way to save thousand of dollars while getting general education classes out of the way. To be eligible for GTA, a student must meet the specific requirements of their intended school’s agreements, along with the completion of a minimum of 24 credit hours. While it may seem complicated, the whole process is made guided and reviewed by academic advisers from both CLC and the transfer school.
DePaul, Arizona State, and Marquette are just a few of the many great universities partnered with the GTA program. If this sounds like an option you may want to consider, find out more at: or call (847) 543-2090.