Words from a Creative Writer

Josselyn Salgado, Contributor


Alberto Larra is a senior at Warren Township High School. He is known for being the president of AVANZA Future Latino Leaders, and he is also known for his exceptional writing. He had creative writing it in his mind during middle school although due to being judge by his peers, he repressed his creativity. He decided not to publish his stories until sophomore year. His most successful publication is “Regrésame al capo magico” (take me back to the magic fields), which is about his life back in his hometown in Mexico and its diversity. He emphasizes that the fields are what keep us living and sustain us because many people live off that land or are living on that land because of their ancestors. He mentioned that his writing was molded by his experiences and history, and in a way his writing represents liberation. Spanish National Honors Society discovered his poetic prowess with sponsor Señora Taylor-Boehm becoming particularly proud of how he has opened his mind and heart on paper. You can even see his fantastic writing on his website El Escritor Surrealista.


Josselyn: Do you know that your teacher, Mrs. Taylor-Boehm, recommended us to interview you?

Alberto: I was shocked from everything I received [and have] been shocked [with] the response of the many people [who] read my writing.

Josselyn: How does that make you feel?

Alberto: Liberating. It’s not about keeping it a secret and very good way to let himself get expressed in a way