Temperature and Temper: How Weather Controls Our Mood


Riley Doyle, Staff Writer

In light of the recent heat wave at the onset of fall when temperatures reached the mid-90s even as leaves begin to make their way to the ground, I was overcome with positivity and motivation.  The balmy weather allowed me to spend more time outside, playing soccer and even doing my homework out in my lawn.  Though I welcomed the happy mood with eagerness, I began to wonder about these uncharacteristic highs in mid-October: How does hot weather affect our mood, and particularly, what impacts do abnormal weather patterns have on emotional dispositions?

Dr. John Grohol’s extensive research on the implications of weather forecasts on emotions.  His findings hold two main conclusions in reference to extreme weather patterns: rising temperatures and more extreme weather have the potential to lighten and positively influence an individual’s mood, yet the same factors may contribute to aggressive and depressed thoughts.

With contradictory evidence from the interaction between emotion and weather, many are perplexed.  Though I maintain that a blue sky and mild temperatures benefit our temperaments, others may suggest that the mounting heat only adds to their mounting frustration or despondency.  In effect of the lack of conclusion, Dr. Grohol reminds us that the weather does not have to dictate our emotions.  Countless other factors aside from mere weather patterns account for our day to day, dynamic moods.  We ultimately choose how the weather, among other components of our daily life, influences our temperament.