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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School

Scratch Paper

The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School

Scratch Paper

The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School

Scratch Paper

Educating Voters

Educating Voters

Athirai Ambikkumar, Staff Writer November 27, 2018

On November 6, 2018, an estimated 113 million Americans turned out for the midterm election, a startling increase from past years (Vesoulis). The driving force for this change? The record number of...

Why You Should Take Ceramics II

Why You Should Take Ceramics II

Jessica Lim, Chief Editor November 21, 2018

Warren offers a large variety of arts courses, but Ceramics is one close to my, my hands. Some may be intimidated by not knowing how to turn blobs of clay into art, but the truth is, you...

Bohemian Rhapsody: A Movie Review

Bohemian Rhapsody: A Movie Review

Hannah Jaros, Staff Writer November 21, 2018

Bohemian Rhapsody was the film I’ve been waiting for all year. Being a fan of everything from the previous decade, I’ve loved Queen ever since I can remember. Freddie Mercury was the epitome of flamboyance...

Picture courtesy of Trident Robotics

Girls Just Wanna Engineer

Anushka Agashe, Staff Writer November 21, 2018

Cyndi Lauper said it best: girls just wanna have fun. Recently, Trident Robotics hosted a program to foster that same kind of passion for engineering, in an effort to encourage young girls to pursue careers...

Course Selection Process

Course Selection Process

Antrita Manduva, Staff Writer November 21, 2018

Every year, a new group of about 1000 students files into the O'Plaine campus of Warren Township High School, while one group leaves O'Plaine and transitions into Almond, and another prepares to bid goodbye...

Why You Should Take AP Human Geography

Why You Should Take AP Human Geography

Lauren Kim, Co-Editor November 21, 2018

As November rolls around, the time comes for many of the underclassmen to choose their classes for their upcoming years in WTHS. While the task may seem daunting and some students may find themselves stuck...

Movie Review: The Nutcracker and the Four Realms

Movie Review: The Nutcracker and the Four Realms

Charlotte Klett, Staff Writer November 21, 2018

On Friday, November 2nd, the new nutcracker movie was released in theaters. It's the first Christmas movie this year and a lot of people were concerned about its plot line after they've seen the trailer...

When Does the Holiday Season Officially Start?

When Does the Holiday Season Officially Start?

Lena Groth, Staff Writer November 20, 2018

It's November 1st. Spooky season has just ended. Taking down fake spider webs and throwing out the jack-o-lanterns, you find yourself thinking: "Is it too early to start getting in the holiday spirit?"...

Antrita Manduva

Antrita Manduva

Antrita Manduva, Staff Writer November 13, 2018

Hi! Welcome to my profile. I am Antrita Manduva; Class of 2021. That makes me a sophomore this year at Warren and so far, I am loving it! I'm involved with Choir, French Club, Speech Team, and of course...

Cade Kelly

November 12, 2018

Hi, my name is Cade! I am senior and this is my first year on newspaper! I have an interest in writing and journalism and decided scratch paper would be a great way to get involved at school with something...

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The Student News Publication of Warren Township High School